Uma Nivas means ‘The Abode of the Divine Mother’ is a cluster of self-development and service projects for women and children at Ananda Nagar, rural West Bengal.
Uma’ Nivas is at Ananda Nagar where Didis have their projects. Uma Nivas is also the global headquarters of the Women’s Welfare Department of Ananda Marga. There are similar “Master Unit” projects around the world. Uma Nivas projects are administered by sisters of Ananda Marga along with women from the community. The projects are set up as ‘homes’ where daily routine of chores and work is interspersed with songs, meditation and creative activities.
Uma Nivas started in 1985 is a large women’s community development project that seeks to empower women to take their rightful place in society, helping them to better care for themselves, nurture their families and support their communities.
Uma Nivas is presently running an acupuncture clinic, three homeopathic clinics, and health education for women. In addition, Uma Nivas is running one children’s home, three primary schools, a girls high school, and four cheap hostels for the students. All these projects have already greatly increased educational opportunities and access to primary health care for the local community.
The Purulia District of West Bengal is one of the most neglected and backward areas of India. The area is extremely arid and rocky and crop yield is poor. As a result many of the local people live below the poverty line. Severe deforestation has led to soil erosion; the poor condition of the roads hinders communication; illiteracy is over 70%; educational and medical facilities are almost nil. About 33% of the children are severely malnourished and leprosy, tuberculosis, and malaria are widespread.
In the villages in this area the women’s condition is a microcosm of the tremendous handicaps women face in India. Women are still victims of social, economic and gender discrimination. They carry the heaviest burdens of child rearing and agricultural work, under deplorable conditions. Amongst the women the literacy rate is as low as 4%. Only 15% of children go to school and especially girls’ education has been severely neglected, therefore very few girls ever complete primary school. Thus, due to lack of education, it becomes almost impossible for the women to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty, disease and early death, which characterize their lives.
Children’s Home
This is a home for two dozen of teenage girls who attend our Girl’s High School. The girls take care of the affairs of their home and gardens besides their studies. They welcome individual sponsorships, regular or occasional donations in cash and kind for upkeep and education.
Rarh Hostel – This is a boarding house; at present about 50 children ages 5 to 10 live here. They come from interior areas without access to schools. They attend our Primary School and receive nutritious meals and good care. Their parents visit them regularly and they spend holidays at home.
Girls’ High School – Established in1993, registered with the WB Board of Education for class 5 to 10. There are 130 students and 30 on partial and 15 on full scholarship.
The school has boarding facility with 83 girls at present. The school’s excellent standard has attracted families from near and far to place their daughters in safe care.

Ananda Marga Primary Schools
The first school near Uma Nivas started in 1978 in a small mud hut in Khatanga Village. Then it was temporarily located in the building of the Girls’ High School and now it is located in the Rarh Hostel. About 50 children from remote areas live. There are similar small primary schools in each of the 18 villages surrounding Uma Nivas.
We give great importance to Early Childhood education. With a good foundation children can truly blossom. Our educational aims as a child-friendly learning environment with creative methodology and hands-on teacher training. We invite volunteers to help implement Neohumanist Education in our schools.
You can be part of a decent future of many children and families. We build on their natural love of learning and education is the key to their future well-being.
We invite volunteers to stay with us for one school year to emerse and serve the needy community.
We invite our visitors to bring picture books, colours and educational material.
Uma Nivas welcomes women and couples volunteers who are happy to be in a remote rural area, who want to take time out from busy life and relax to a quiet peaceful pace of meditation and work within the local communities.
What we offer:
- Healing daily routine, regular healthy sentient vegetarian meals, basic accommodation.
- We teach basic and advanced meditation and yoga and related practices.
- You may avail of homeopathic and natural treatment by our certified Homeopath.
How you can help:
- Teaching English, and/or individual tutoring
- Work in the gardens and sustainable projects/practices
- Office work, business practices, fundraising
- Working with children or community according to your skills
Volunteers stay minimum one month and maximum twelve months.
Volunteers contribute 20,000 Rupees for the first month, and 6000 Rupees for each month after. This includes meals, accommodation and a contribution to the project.
Volunteers pay for any transportation they need by vehicles which is 300Rs plus gasoline for a trip. They take care of their extra personal needs such as food supplements, medical expenses, internet costs etc. Working hours 4-6 per day, Sundays free . No drugs, alcohol and smoking on the premises.
Your financial donations will help to give scholarship to needy students from the nearby villages. With your donation you become a very essential part of Uma Nivas. You may chose to contribute to any of the projects.
Ananda Marga Gurukula Women’s College –