Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS)-
AMPS was founded by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, in Jamalpur, India, in January 1955.
Ánanda Marga means “Path of Bliss.” Bliss is infinite happiness. It is the fundamental desire of human beings. “There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness.” We can never be satisfied with limited things. They may give us pleasure for a while, but not long-lasting satisfaction. A limited object can only give a temporary and limited amount of happiness. But only infinite happiness will satisfy us. So how are we to attain it? By expanding our awareness to infinity; by transforming our individual limited experience into the cosmic experience of the unlimited: infinite happiness; perfect peace and contentment – bliss. The philosophy of Ánanda Marga is one of universalism. It is an all-embracing outlook, recognizing God as the one limitless supreme consciousness, with all beings of the universe part of the one cosmic family.
It recognizes that a balance is needed between the spiritual and mundane aspects of existence, and that neither one should be neglected at the expense of the other. Hence the goal of Ánanda Marga is “Self-realization and the welfare of the universe.”
The goal of meditation is to realize who we really are at the core of our being. The philosophy of yoga says there are two different levels to our inner self: our mental or emotional self and our spiritual self. The mental self is sometimes called the individual mind. It is limited because it is strongly associated with our limited physical body and is the cause of the feeling “I am this individual person” – our ego. But our real sense of self-awareness comes from our connection to a wider, subtler form of consciousness. Yogic philosophy says there is a reflection of an infinite, all knowing form of consciousness within our minds. This Infinite Consciousness is unchanging and eternal, and is at the core of our true spiritual “Self”. When we identify with the small ego-centred self this is called relative reality, because that small self is prone to change and death. But when we realize that there is a subtler, permanent reality behind the relative one and we see that our true nature is pure unlimited Consciousness, this is known as self-realization.
Meditation has been described as a kind of concentrated thinking, but this does not mean just any kind of concentrated thinking. Concentrating on a pet rock or an ice cream is not meditation. Meditation is the process of concentrating the mind on the source of consciousness within us. Gradually this leads us to discover that our own consciousness is infinite. This is why the goal of meditation is sometimes described as “self-realization.”
Spirituality – is that which concerns Infinite Consciousness.
First let me make it clear that “spirituality” should not be confused with “spiritualism”, which is concerned with mediums, communicating with the dead etc. Spirituality concerns Infinite consciousness – the same ultimate Truth that was realized by the great spiritual teachers throughout history such as Buddha, Jesus, and Krsna. According to spirituality, the goal of life is to merge the individual mind into Infinite Consciousness, and the way to attain this is by practicing spiritual meditation.
The founders of all the great religions taught spirituality, yet religion and spirituality are not the same. When my own spiritual master was asked if he was trying to start a new religion he replied: “I am not interested in religion. I am interested in human beings and the goal of human beings, and how to bridge the gap between the two.”
In spiritual meditation our mind is directed towards a spiritual idea. The simplest way to conceive of this is to think of infinite love, peace and happiness, or an entity embodying that. We may call it God, but the name is not important. What is important is to remember that this infinite love is within us and surrounding us. If we pause to consider, it becomes apparent that every experience we have ever had took place within our minds. If we want lasting happiness or love, what better place to look than at the source of these feelings?
Spiritual meditation is concentration on a spiritual idea, an idea associated with Infinite Consciousness, an idea that is greater than our selves. As we contemplate this vast and beautiful idea, our mind is transformed into pure consciousness that has no boundary. So spiritual meditation is the effort to merge our sense of “I” into Infinite Consciousness.
He is not a saint or god, He is Sainthood, Godhead itself. He is not cosmic, He is the Cosmos/ Macrocosm itself – indeed, the Creator of the Macrocosm Itself. He is not a saviour, He is Salvation (moksa) itself. He is not a devotee/kiirtakara, His Name is Kiirtana itself. He is not just loving, He is Divine Love itself. He is not just the Supreme Being/Consciousness, He is our BABA.
Tantra Yoga (Spiritual Practice) – Spiritual practice has become a field of research in the late 20 th Century.
- As a Tantra Guru, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has revealed the lost history of Tantra that is not mentioned in books, including the fact that the fundamental structure of Indian spirituality is in fact based on Tantra. In the realm of bhakti He has explained the various stages of bhakti and revealed for the first time how they are related to the cakras and the kundalini. His explanations are free from dogma and are universal in scope. In the realm of Dharma or spiritual righteousness, He has for the first time explained what exactly Dharma is by describing its four principles – vistara, rasa, seva and tadstithi. He has also explained that since yoga is the path towards union with our Supreme Self, we need yoga in all aspects of human life from economics to agriculture, from politics to literature.
- Psychology – In psychology, He has systematized the inchoate intuitions of the Indian tradition into a clear systematic explanation of different layers of the mind, the psychology of perception or sensation, the cellular dimension of human psychology (each cell has a kind of mind), the fundamental substance or particles of the mind (cittanu, microvita), the relationship between the mind and the vital airs (vayus), the relationship between the mind and the brain and nervous system, parapsychology (extra cerebral memory), biopsychology (how the glands are related to the cakras and to basic human drives or propensities), and the psycho-spiritual realm wherein the mind comes into contact with the realm of Pure Consciousness and Bliss and experiences different types of ecstasy (bhava) and trances of absorption in Consciousness (Samadhi).
- Philosophy – In philosophy, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has given ‘Ananda Sutram’ as the first comprehensive, universal, multi-dimensional philosophy. Founded on Shaeva Tantra (the source of Samkhya, Natha and Kashmir Shaevism), integrating the insights of the Upanishads. An entirely brand new philosophical system is created that embraces all subjects from ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology, origin of life, psychology, Dharma, social dynamics, economic justice and self-sufficiency (swaraj) – all drenched in the ambience of divine bliss. This scripture has not yet begun to be properly studied. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji revealed how the dynamics of Tantric cosmology revealed in this text can serve a fundamental science of understanding dynamics, equipoise and symmetry or pramá that can be applied to all realms from spiritual practice to philosophical ideas to sentiments to agriculture to the arts.
- Aesthetics – In the past, various aesthetic philosophies have emerged that often became dogmatic and prevented the free development of artistic genius. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji always emphasized aesthetic science rather than aesthetic philosophy (intellectual speculation). Aesthetic science is the science of creating and expressing beauty in more and more subtle ways. He has revealed that by nature this aesthetic science is fundamentally linked with mysticism. In this regard He has revealed how Lord Shiva founded aesthetics and human culture. Furthermore, He revealed for the first time how Lord Krsna revealed the science of supra-aesthetics or the science of how the Supreme Beloved attracts the devotees. Finally in a short treatise He has revealed for the first time what is true Sahitya and gives an inspirational call to all sahityakas to accept their responsibilities and bring about the manifestation of one human society on this planet.
- Krsnology – Lord Krsna has been the subject of various vedantic studies as well as modern cynical analyses. For the first time, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has revealed the facts about the Mission and society of Lord Krsna. He has also revealed the yogic meaning of the Mahabharata and of Lord Krsna. He has for the first time explained the twin roles of Lord Krsna – Vraja Krsna and Parthasarathi Krsna. He also showed how all the philosophies of India from Samkhya to the various schools of Vedanta have totally failed to understand the meaning, spiritual significance and philosophy of life of Lord Krsna in both these roles. For the first time the delightful charm and soothing sweetness of Vraja Krsna is clearly explained based on universal humanism. Above all, the revolutionary mission of Parthasarathi Krsna for arousing social consciousness amongst the common people of India are revealed here for the first time. In a discourse on the “Vipra Age”, the revolutionary Mission of Lord Krsna against religious dogma as well as the spiritual capitalism of escapist yogis is clearly revealed.
- Shivology– Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji was the first person to reveal that Lord Shiva was in fact a historical personality who lived 7,500 years ago. Aside from revealing significant historical information about the life of Lord Shiva, His travels to Alpine Europe and to southern China, for the first time the Dharma and Mission of Lord Shiva is revealed. Lord Shiva’s crucial role in empowering the victims of Aryan imperialism with Tantra sadhana and leading them into battle as well as His attempting to build a synthesis of all races by marrying one woman from each of the main racial groups and creating the cosmopolitan city of Varanasi is revealed. Above all Lord Shiva is revealed to be the founder of the marriage system and the human family, the father of human spirituality and the father of human civilization. Together with Parvati, Lord Shiva created Samgiita (song, dance and instrumental music) and the different dimensions of Tantra yoga. He also created the first system of medicine. Above all, His spiritual mission was to spread Tantra sadhana and His social mission was to fight for and manifest sama-samaja. To reveal the incalculable contributions of Lord Shiva is one of the greatest gifts of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji to humanity.
- Samgiita – Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has written in a simple, inspirational way about this science. Within a short span of eight years He composed and set to tunes 5018 songs popularly known as ‘Prabaht Samgiita’ that are the supreme expressions of the devotion. He composed and set to tunes these songs in eight languages viz. Bengali, English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Angika, Maithili and Magahi .The metres of the songs are unique in their simplicity and profundity. Melodies have been included from all over the world and from the hoary past (lost melodies from the time of Buddha). Some songs include a number of raginis in just one song. While the musical genius displayed is beyond the capacity of most people, the literary genius of these songs is apparent to all those who know even a little Bengali when it comes to assonance, alliteration, rhyme, alankaras, etc. These Prabhata Samgiita are characterised by indomitable optimism, radiant love for not just all beings but even for dust particles and above all by the omnipotent tenderness that was the hallmark of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji’s personality. This is all done in the spirit of vibrant, charming and heart-touching rhythms. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has also said that the healing science of ragas and spiritual songs needs to be studied.
- Ethics – In His clear, concise and conclusive treatise ‘Jiivan Veda (A Guide to Human Conduct)’, the Author reveals for the first time that morality in reality that which leads to psychic balance. Hence, the goal of morality is a spiritual state. Hence, ethics is not a set of abstract concepts or religious dogmas, rather when our inner propensities move towards the psycho-spiritual realm (where mind melts into Consciousness) that movement of those propensities is our moral life. And from this psycho-spiritual realm emerges various cardinal human principles like mercy, justice, the Golden Rule, etc. which are found in every human society. Since meditation moves the mind towards this spiritual realm, it is crucial for developing our inner ecological balance of sentiments, urges, sensations, passions, propensities by sublimating these expressions with the bliss of spiritual realization of limitless Consciousness. In this way meditation helps in the realization, development of cardinal values as well as in the sublimation of psychic propensities into psycho-spiritual bliss. In the practical realm, the entire cosmic order is dependent on two aspects – Yama and Niyama. Yama comprises Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacarya and Aparigraha. Here we can see that all these moral principles are dependent on the spiritual sadhana of Brahmacarya wherein one learns to move and act while in a state of union with Pure Consciousness (Brahmibhava). Niyama comprises Shaoca, Santosa, Tapah, Svadhaya and Iishvara Pranidhana. Once again we see how the internal yoga of Iishavara Pranidhana is the foundation of the other moral principles and that furthermore without being established in these moral principles, one’s meditation will all be in vain. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji began His Mission in Bihar with launching a moral revolution in the society of Bihar by demanding and enforcing strictest morality amongst disciples and then inspiring them to launch a moral revolution in India and throughout the world. Hence this ethical vision was always grounded in practice.
- Philology – Classical philology of the 19 th Century Europe was used to support racism, xenophobic nationalism. Thereafter this philological tradition was lost in technical analyses of linguistics. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji launched a series of masterpiece treatises in Bengali philology based on the vision that the goal of philology is to show the inescapable links between different languages and cultures. He furthermore said it was the duty of those coming from cultures with developed languages to engage in linguistic, cultural services to the undeveloped languages of this world. This is something Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji personally practiced by writing the first grammars in Angika and Bhojpuri and by starting the first newspapers in these languages. In addition to uniting all of India based on brotherhood and sublime culture and to end pseudo-culture, He mandated that a new avatar of the Sanskrit language serve as the national language but without it being forced on anyone. Aside from working for the development of the Bengali language He also worked for the development of the local dialects of Bengali such as Rarh and Barendra (North Bengal) and even started a newspaper in the Rarhi dialect. The mere record of His endless gifts to the Bengali language is exhausting. Highlights range from adding new alphabet letters, to revealing its biija mantras (acoustic roots, phonosemantics), to offering a new nirukta, new vocabulary for modern technical concepts (Prayojaner Paribhasa), new system of spelling and above all to creating a Bangla Vidyapiitha (Cultural University).
- History – Human history is the history of the collective psychology. Based on the yogic psychology mentioned above, a clear understanding of the four governing drives of the collective psychology of social groups is explained which gives rise to shudra (labourer), ksattriya (warrior), Vipra (priest, intellectual) and vaeshya (capitalist) ages. The vaeshya age of extreme capitalist exploitation gives rise to a shudra revolution and thereafter the social cycle commences again. The details of the exploitation practiced by the ksattriyas, vipras and Vaeshyasis explained in detail in the treatise Human Society Part II. He furthermore explained how civilizations grow alongside streams and rivers and explained how the Gangetic and Yamuna civilizations of Northwest India and the Brahmaputra civilization of Tibet and Assam and the remnants of the dying river networks of Rarh civilization (westernmost Bengal and parts of Jharkhand and Bihar) combine to form the multi- dimensional, delta civilization of Bengal in the region of Samatat. However, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji was not simply a philosopher of history but also a practitioner. Throughout His life He carried out historical research focusing on two unknown realms of historical research – Rarhology and Magadhology. With regard to the paucity of historical records in India, He mandates the study of the history of villages based on collection of traditions and archaeological investigations. Among His important discoveries was that of the Dalma script or the oldest inscription of the Kutila script of Bengal.
- Neo-Humanism – ‘God is dead’ was the credo of the 19 th Century and ‘Man is dead’ was the credo of the post World War-2 Era. This spiritual and social barbarism led to the 20 th Century being the most barbaric in the history of this planet and is responsible for the current crimes against humanity ongoing in society today. Amidst this pessimism, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji shone forth the radiant optimism of Neo-Humanism – the dedication to loving and serving all beings – irrespective of whether they are human or not, whether they are animate or not. Neo- Humanism is the culmination of all the forms of humane caring, humanistic policies and philosophies of humanism since the remote past. Rooted in the Tantric cosmology and meditation described above, Neo-Humanism was propounded to protect bhakti or mystical love from the assault of narrow sentiments such as nationalism, communalism, casteism, racism, species-ism (human arrogance and violence against animals). Neo-Humanism achieves this through a revolution in the human heart that is the heritage of the bhakti movement of the past. Neo-Humanism is not simply another type of analysis of social pathology but rather a path towards psycho-spiritual and socio-ecological synthesis. This starts with Neo-Humanism as a yoga or cult of individual development and revolutionary service, this moves into the collective realm of the collective mind when bhakti or mystical love become the essence of one’s life and this culminates in the spiritual realm when after spiritual union with the Macrocosmic Nucleus, this bhakti becomes one’s life mission – a dedication to serving, caring, loving and sublimating all entities of this universe. Nothing is ever rejected. Even the most narrow sentiment can be transformed into universalism if the narrow-minded principles behind it are removed or re-envisioned. In this way, the wonderful diversity of humanity will only enhance, bring flavour and sweet mental flows (rasa) to the unity of humanity.
- Education – Education is in crisis today. Colonial education removed the dogmas of the past but it was also used as a tool of exploitation to isolate the educated from mainstream society. The various secular nationalistic systems of education have abysmally failed in creating students with moral character. And the present rise of education based on dogmatic religions is bringing India and the world back into the Dark Ages. The hallmark of Ananda Marga education is Education for all-round liberation of the students. The goal of this system is to create sadvipras – those who have universal mind, multi-disciplinary knowledge, passion for morality and justice and who are ever ready to give their hearts, sacrifice their lives in fighting to liberate suffering souls everywhere. This yoga is based on Ashtanga Yoga, the vision and mission of Ananda Parivara and the remodelling of every subject in the realms of knowledge based on Neo-Humanism. To make this into a reality, a vast network of primary schools has been created across Bengal and the world. In addition, in the educational hub of Ananda Nagar, there are various Colleges and a move towards the creation of the Ananda Marga Gurukula as the nucleus of the movement towards the creation of an education revolution in every language of this earth as the foundation for a renaissance in each culture of this planet.
- Economics – Artha is the Indian word for economics. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has defined it as the temporary removal of physical, psychic and spiritual bondages and afflictions. Hence, economics is a form of healing of the society. The science of economics was developed by materialists and hence whatever little humanism that is present in a few economists like Smith and Marx is incinerated in the selfish malevolence of practical life in capitalist societies. In1959 Shri Shri Aandamurtiji propounded the theory of PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) to solve mundane problems confronting humanity. The main goal of PROUT’s economics was to liberate humanity from the exploitation of corporate capitalism, state capitalism (Communism) and religious capitalism. This is achieved through decentralized economic planning at the block level, community control over the resources and produce created in their area and the socialization of the land in several stages. The primary engine of economic development in PROUT is the creation of cooperative networks as the foundation of a new economy. This locally driven economic production will be geared towards meeting the needs of the local community (instead of the greed of capitalists or the whims of corrupt, socialist bureaucrats) and will be based on economic swaraj (self- sufficiency) of each of the many civilizations (socio-cultural eco-regions, samajas) of this country.
- Agriculture – However, once again, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is not mere an academic analyser of capitalism and utopian dreamer like Marx. In Ananda Nagar, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti has given vast and detailed plans for the all-round development of the land, people and the ecology. He has given plans for countless agricultural projects with the mission of utilizing every inch of available space for plantation and even to utilize the vertical space as well with multi-cropping plants of differing heights. For all this He has given a detailed system of pond and lake creation which includes the required plants and fish to hold the water. To contain the present desertification of this planet, He has given plans for riverside plantations to rescue the dying rivers. The hallmark of this agricultural mission is the goal of each community creating a network of cooperatives for their economic development.
- Politics – All of this however, will not drop down from the sky. This is why Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji was a revolutionary. He has for the first time scientifically explained what is revolution based on the analysis of the dynamics of the social psychology mentioned earlier. The goal of political progress is to establish the moral principles of Yama-Niyama in every aspect of the functioning of every government institution right from the post office to the World Government. The World Government starts with a Global Bill of Rights, then a Global Constitution and then gradually the development of a full-fledged government in order to protect minorities in countries around the world from the persecution and exploitation by the majority. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has commented that the Indian Constitution does not represent the diverse communities of India and hence a new Constitution is needed. In addition a series of required reforms to the present Constitution is suggested. He has also suggested fundamental reforms of the electoral system to remove forever the role of capitalists in the system. These reforms include making each political manifesto into a contract and when elected representatives fail to fulfil their manifest, any member of the public can sue them for breach of contract. The most crucial electoral reform is the creation of an Electoral College which will give training to every citizen in civic duties, education in the political system, education in the techniques of deceit of politicians and the ways in which economic exploiters utilize them. This mission for creating ideal citizens is crucial for any society. The separation of powers in governance is an ancient principle since Polybius and Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has emphasized that this must include separation of the Secretariat, Audit branch from dominance by other branches of government. Finally, the main crisis is a crisis of leadership, hence based on the spiritual revolution described earlier, PROUT gives the call for Sadvipra leaders to be chosen by the people and to take up the task of eternal vigilance against exploitation and eternal readiness to launch a revolution to end exploitation right from when it first starts.

- Justice – The fundamental fact about legal systems is that ultimately they are based on religious dogmas about virtue and vice. Hence if we want genuine world government we need an end to the colonial imperialism of the western legal tradition that recognizes political but not economic rights and that recognizes individual but not community rights. At the same time a return to the dogmatic religious law is not an option either. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji gives an inspirational and universal definition of virtue and vice saying, “In my opinion virtue is that which helps to expand the mind, by whose assistance the universe increasingly becomes an integral part of oneself, and vice is that which makes the mind narrow and selfish.” Based on these we need a comparative study of different legislative systems to discover the common cardinal values in all these traditions. The hallmark of this new global Justice system is that sentencing is for rectification of the human character and not for punishment. This led Him to suggest several reforms in the Justice system and in jails. Needless to say these are utterly practical reforms.
- Biology – Biology is perhaps the academic domain where Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has created the biggest conceptual revolution. Microvita is the fundamental particle of life that ranges from sizes far smaller than sub-atomic particles to the virus. Microvita are a creation in the Tantric cosmology mentioned above. They are the key to understanding transformations in the evolution of life right from the creation of the first organic matter to the evolution of a future human body very different from today. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji gives importance to understanding the lymphatic system and the endocrine system and their relationship with the cakras and the creation of mental propensities as well as their relationship with different layers of the mind that function through the brain and nervous system. Yogic exercises have an impact on the endocrine and lymphatic systems, thus changing the nature of the mind (i.e. changing its propensities). Meditation has an impact on the mind which leads to changes in the endocrine and lymphatic systems and to health in general. He has also explained how the nervous system functions in tandem with the mind at the time of sensory perception. In the realm of evolution He has revealed that the collective desire of a species can lead to the transmutation of its physical body. As mentioned earlier, each cell has an undeveloped mind and hence the range and scope of the science of cell dynamics will increase tremendously. Most mysteriously, He has said that if the nuclei of protoplasmic cells are split they will yield far more energy than a nuclear explosion. Above all He has indicated how future humans will have large heads and small, thin bodies and will be more psychic than physical. He has also indicated that the entire panorama of living beings on this planet also evolves and will evolve dramatically in future saying, “Now the element of physicality is predominant, but in future the psychic element will become predominant and the physical aspect will become secondary. All the ectoplasmic and endoplasmic potentialities of the entire creation are fast being converted into psychic potentialities.”
- “So in this phase of introversial movement, when crude physicality is being transmuted into psychic, we can expect that the day is sure to come when the whole world will move from the subtle psychic realm and cross the threshold of the still more subtle spiritual world. And that day when the entire living world – dashing through a transitory phase of psychic – will become spiritual will not be in the distant future.” (Biological Transformation Associated with Psychic Metamorphosis and Vice Versa, Yoga Psychology)
- Physics – In many civilizations around the world one common idea is the primary elements which in India are called bhutas. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji in Tantric cosmology has explained how from the Cosmic Mind the bhutas evolve. He also explains how they are related to the evolution of the universe and the subatomic particles. With regard to subatomic particles, He has stated that scientists eventually will discover that Consciousness is the fundamental reality at the most minutest state of matter. He has explained that behind the vast confusion of countless subatomic particles there is an underlying scientific order and that is the arrays of different types of microvita. However these microvita are neither matter (in the traditional materialistic sense) nor are they ectoplasm (mind particles). Hence the very nature of matter also changes. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has also contested Einstein’s famous equation E= mc2. He has said that in fact matter is not bottled-up energy and that the mass of an object has nothing to do with energy.
- Ecology – In His book ‘Birds and Animals: Our Neighbours’, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji reveals numerous facts about different plant and animal species. In His book ‘Ideal Farming’ He reveals many interesting facts about different agricultural species while discussing a new vision of farming. One point He mentions is about how the natural ecological symmetry has been destroyed. For example fish used to spawn at a certain time and at the same time other species used to benefit by eating some of those fish. However the life cycles of both species are no longer synchronized. To repair this ecology, He has given detailed plans for rainwater harvesting, pond and lake creation as seen earlier. He has also said that all living beings must have their existential rights guaranteed in the Constitution. Hence there must be a legal foundation for stopping human exploitation towards the natural world. Furthermore He has noted that a breakdown of the planetary ecology is linked with the breakdown of the ecology of the human psyche (inner ecology) caused by the crimes of capitalist exploitation.
- Geology – Geology was a favourite subject of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Wherever He went, He would talk about the local geology and geography. In His article on Geology and Human Civilization He revealed many unknown facts about the Geological history of the world but in particular Rarh. Each of the theses presented in the article provides scope for future research.
- Geophysics – On May 31 st 1986, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji revealed that the Earth’s magnetic poles had started shifting and warned of a future Pole Shift. At that time, the idea of Pole Shift was considered to be science fiction. It is only in later years that scientists have documented the several series of Pole Shifts in human history. This article warns that tremendous changes are ahead due to this Pole Shift – climate change, change in the collective psychology (due to the unknown effects electromagnetism has on the human mind) and changes in human biology as well. All this is at the frontiers of science. Space medicine has been studying the effects of different gravitational fields on the human body and mind. However, since the changes in the electromagnetic field are more unstable the changes on the human physiology are still largely unknown. Then on March 24 th 1990, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji predicted that as a result of this Pole Shift, a New Ice Age was imminent. This also will lead to dramatic changes in the biology and social life as well as on the ecology.
- Medicine– In the realm of medicine, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji did not belong to any established school of medicine. He talked as per the basics of Indian medicine (vata, kapha, roga) however His primary focus was firstly on how yogic asanas can remove physical ailments and blossom our meditation. Later He revealed much information about many medicinal plants. As a part of Ananda Marga Gurukula, He envisioned a composite medical school where students learn Ayurveda, Homeopathy, allopathy, naturopath and Chandsi and thus can develop a holistic understanding of all the dimensions of the sciences of medicine and health. He mentioned that in future many diseases would be cured by colour therapy which is still an undeveloped field. Finally He revealed the science of disease with the revelation of Microvita. He famously said that the word “virus” is a vague term and that the correct term is negative microvita. He explained that the Influenza Epidemic after Word War-I was due to the huge number of corpses that attracted a virus from another planet. With microvita for the first time, the role of psycho-somatic disease is rationally explained. Different states of mind invite different types of psychic microvita to come. And also similar types of physical microvita are attracted by these psychic microvita. These physical microvita bring disease. Similarly physical microvita that cause a disease can also attract psychic negative microvita which can lead to various psychological disorders. This is all a vast science requiring arduous research.
- Community Studies – Eco-villages are a popular idea today. However, in the early 1960s, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji worked to create a huge Garden City in Ananda Nagar – an area whose range covers almost two blocks or tehsils. For each part, He has given detailed irrigational, water harvesting plans, detailed agricultural plans, detailed industrial plans, educational plans, cultural plans, spiritual development plans and more. Just to read the list of projects is exhausting. Deep research is required to execute these plans and above all to understand the fundamental agricultural, economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual principles behind them.
- Gender Studies – Throughout His life, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii was deeply concerned about the conditions of women in the society. He supported the emancipation of women form the stranglehold of dogmas and ignorance. Throughout His life, He was adamant that the dignity and rightful status of women must be re-established in both collective and individual life. A true human society can only be created when all its members, male and female, young and old, black and white have equal opportunity to express all their potentialities in the mundane, psychic and spiritual spheres. In 1956 He first outlined the steps necessary for the emancipation of women to take place social sphere. Simply put, there are two points : first women must become educated, secondly, women must become economically self-reliant. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii has called upon women to take up the challenge of self-enlightenment and social emancipation.
- In the foregone pages very simply and briefly some of the contributions of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti to the realms of human knowledge have been described . One should directly go through His books in order to understand His actual ideas. A brief list of books written by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar aka Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii and Published by Ananda Marga Publications, Kolkata.