Since the inception of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in 1955, the founder of the Samgha (Organization), Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii devoted His mission into the task of rendering all round service to suffering humanity. For this, He started Education, Relief & Welfare Section (ERAWS),to serve distressed and afflicted section of the society through relief and rehabilitation activities. The work of drought relief than began in the state of Bihar , India, in 1963 blossomed into an organization as Ananda Marga Universal Relief Organization (AMURT). Within a short span of time because of its worldwide relief and rehabilitation programme. AMURT got recognized as a major relief organization. In 1991 AMURT and AMURTEL (ladies wing) got recognition from United Nations organization (UNO) as an NGO. AMURT renders temporary relief and service in wake of natural calamities, such as floods, famines, epidemics etc, as well as during all types of man-made disasters.
Apart from this , in normal circumstances, AMURT also undertakes Paincaseva and other welfare activities.
a) General aid: Distribution of foodstuffs, cloths and other materials of daily necessities.
b) Medical aid: Charitable dispensary, mobile medical camps and units, distribution of food to the children.
c) Aid to the poor and distressed students: Distribution of books and other educational aids to the poor and needy students.
d) Narayan Seva Sadharan (General): To start cheap kitchens for economically unprivileged people.
e) Narayan Seva Vishesh (special): Occasional distribution of food, free of charge to the needy and deserving people.
2. Blood Donation Camp.
3. VIVAPADA (Vishesh Vastu Parikalpana Daridraya): To make arrangement for providing shelter to the needy and homeless by building houses for them.
AMURT also organizes ARS (All Round Service) projects in certain selected areas of India keeping in view the all-round development of extremely poverty stricken and helpless section of the society.
AMURT and AMURTEL did extensive relief and rehabilitation work in Orissa super-cyclone, Tsunami rescue and relief operation at Cuddalore of Tamilnadu and in entire Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Hundreds of AMURT and AMURTEL volunteers worked tirelessly in Koshi River flood for the suffering people of Norther Bihar. Relief work for the Pilan affected people in Orissa and southern district of Bengal, devastating flood in Jammu and Kedarnath and Badrinath.
AMURT and AMURTEL rendered extensive relief and medical service to thousands of earth-quake affected and suffering people in remote areas of Nepal.
AMURT and AMUTEL volunteers are engaged in massive rehabilitation programme in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Romania, Ghana and other countries of Africa.