Celebration of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Ji’s 103rd Birth Anniversary

The 103rd birth anniversary of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Ji was celebrated at the Baba Memorial in Anandanagar from May 21 to May 23, 2024, with various events. These included kiirtan parikrama, promotion of kiirtan greatness, prabhat pheri, akhanda nam sanmkiirtan, distribution of clothes to the needy, provision of notebooks and pencils to students, fruit distribution to patients in hospitals, water distribution, free health services at Abha Seva Sadan, and Narayan Seva.On the morning of May 22, 2024, at 5:00 AM, the spiritual environment of the Memorial was filled with the sound of Panchajinaya, marking the beginning of 24-hour akhanda Baba Nam Kevalam nam samnkiirtan. On May 23, 2024, after collective Panchajinaya, Prabhat Sangeet, Kiirtan, Iishvar Pranidhan, Varnarghyadan, ashirvacan(blessings), and reading and explanation of Anandavanii, a collective breakfast was held. Following breakfast, a cultural program based on Prabhat Sangeet was conducted. The main event concluded in the afternoon with collective Iishvar Pranidhan, followed by collective lunch and Narayan Seva.In the evening, various villages in Anandanagar hosted Dharmachakra and various other events.

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