PROUT is the Progressive Utilization Theory. It is the first socio-economic theory that takes into account the entire human potential, including the mental and spiritual, while advising a socio-economic path for the benefit of both the individual and society. Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1922-1990) propounded the fundamentals of Prout in 1959, and continued to develop the theory throughout his life. 

Samaj  “Society”; a local socio-economico-cultural unit gradually developing along with other samajas into a united regional and ultimately global unit. PROUT claims universality but promotes initial groSamaj “Society”; a local socio-economico-cultural unit gradually developing along with other samajas into a united regional and ultimately global unit. PROUT claims universality but promotes initial groupification along ethnic, linguistic, socio-economic and other lines. It is a dynamic and progressive concept and not static such as nationalism. The concept of samaj is designed to bring out local socio-economic and cultural strength and secure local economic control. A samaj unit is defined by certain criteria, such as a common background, common needs, and common potentialities. Accordingly one samaj may be very large and populous and another small. For instance, the present nation of India has been divided into 44 samajas according to Proutistic principles. Some of them have several hundred million people, some a couple of hundred thousand. Maharlika (the Philippines) have nine samajas. The Nordic countries of Sweden and Norway have one majority samaja each, with the samaja of the Sami people in the northern areas of those countries running across national borders to include Sami communities of Finland and the Kola Peninsula of Russia as well.

1st fundamental principle of PROUT – No individual should be allowed to accumulate any physical wealth without the clear permission or approval of the collective body.

2nd fundamental principle of PROUT – There should be maximum utilization and rational distribution of all mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities of the universe.

3rd fundamental principle of PROUT – There should be maximum utilization of physical, metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of unit and collective bodies of human society.

4th fundamental principle of PROUTThere should be proper adjustment amongst these physical, metaphysical, mundane, supramundane and spiritual utilizations.

5th fundamental principle of PROUTThe method of utilization should vary in accordance with changes in time, space and person, and the utilization should be of progressive nature.

TO KNOW IN DETAILS MORE – https://www.anandanagar.org/departments/p-r-o-u-t/

APPEAL : We are looking for people who wants to act and live on these fundamentals of PROUT as given by the great philosopher – Shri P.R. SARKAR. We need people from all spheres of the world who can understand these principles and lead a life of glory.

We do not have any funds alloted for this great revolutionary work. Moreover, we do not have enough moral human beings who can walk in this path of glory. IF ‘YOU’ THINK YOU BEAT OTHERS IN ANY OF THESE 5 FUNDAMENTALS CONNECT WITH US.


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