NEW SERVICE :    “Take what you need, use that.”

In our homes, many items become unnecessary and unused. However, in society, those very items are often desperately needed by others. We have initiated a new project and are requesting you to collect the unused items that are with us.

The project, “Take what you need, use that” will commence on the 20th of May, 2024, at 10 a.m. at the “Anandarekha” bhawan, Anandanagar. I appeal those in need to join us on the specified date and time. There will be relief materials available, allowing you to select what you need according to your preference.

For donating items, please contact: Acarya Narayanananda Avadhuta

Mobile and WhatsApp number:  7076432596

“প্রয়োজনে তুলে নিন ব্যবহার করুন”*
আমাদের ঘরে অনেক কিছু দ্রব্যসামগ্রী অপ্রয়োজনীয় থেকে যায়, ব্যবহৃত হয় না। কিন্তু সমাজে ওই সব অপ্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস অনেকের খুবই প্রয়োজন। আমরা একটি নতুন প্রকল্প শুরু করতে চলেছি আপনাদের কাছে যেসব বস্তু অব্যবহৃত রয়েছে আমাদের কাছে জমা করতে অনুরোধ করছি।
*“প্রয়োজনে তুলে নিন ব্যবহার করুন”* প্রকল্পটির শুভারম্ভ হবে আগামী ২০শে মে’২৪ সকাল ১০টায় “আনন্দরেখা” ভবন, আনন্দনগর।
যাদের দরকার তাদের উক্ত দিন ও উক্ত সময়ে আসতে অনুরোধ করছি। ত্রাণসামগ্রী মজুত থাকবে যাদের যেটা প্রয়োজন স্বেচ্ছায় তাদের পছন্দমত জিনিস বেছে নিতে পারবেন।
*ত্রাণসামগ্রী দেবার জন্যে যোগাযোগ করুন:*


‘Ánanda Nagar Is the Beacon Light for the Universe’.It is a land without time, a place where it’s sweet and mystic beauty stands as a witness for the human drama of existence. With their roots deep in a remote past, the people of ÁNANDA Nagar struggle to find their place in the present world.

The ÁNANDA Nagar project is in fact an attempt to build an oasis in the midst of this desert caused by human neglect and non-caring mentality and is meant to constitute a pioneering approach to tribal cultural renaissance and socio-economic development. Ánanda Nagar is a unique rural development project. Located in one of the poorest and most backward areas of India, Purulia district in West Bengal, the area around Ananda Nagar is inhabited by indigent tribal villagers and exemplifies, in fact, most of the problems which rural people face: lack of education and literacy, chronic disease especially leprosy, widespread nutrition verging on starvation, total absence of any source of energy life electricity, non-productive agriculture on arid and non-irrigated lands, and lack of any type of industrial development.

The projects of Ánanda Nagar are designed to address all of these challenges, and transform a depressed area into a vibrant example of sustainable development.  This website, which is still under construction, will be a comprehensive guide to all of the activities at Ánanda Nagar.

PS-11 Describes our Ananda Nagar

Our Baba’s Early Research in the Ananda Nagar area:   “In His youth, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti travelled extensively in Bihar and West Bengal (as well as in other parts of India such as Punjab) conducting research on lost cultures and civilizations. He wrote of one research expedition into the Ananda Nagar area as follows:
“I had gone to Ranchi for a few days in relation to an idea I had that the civilization of the Koyel River-valley found in the west of Ranchi District was a branch of the Rarhi civilization of central Gondwanaland. To the east of Ranchi was the Suvarnarekha River-valley, which in terms of language, culture and heritage belonged to Rarh. Each day I would go to one or two different spots in the Suvarnarekha River-valley in search of archaeological artefacts of ancient Rarh.
One day, while searching in a spot near Muri in the Silli area, I came across a fossilized fragment of a mammoth jaw with part of the tusk still attached. I knew I had found something important. There was no doubt that it would add lustre to the cultural heritage of Rarh. All day long I travelled like a whirlwind from village to village in Ranchi District’s Silli area and the Jhalda and Jaipur areas [Ananda Nagar area] of what was at that time Manbhum District, just adjacent to it. This region is also worthy of being recognized by archaeologists as the cradle of Rarhi civilization. Here the Suvarnarekha River-valley, Kamsavati River- valley and Damodar River -valley (Alkushi, Kupai, Uttará or Chot́ki Guyai and Dakśińá or Baŕki Guyai [in the Ananda Nagar area]) are all close to each other and I was able to discover many things there. I was quite pleased with the prospect of presenting the land of Rarh in a new way to people. And I was especially pleased, looking at the straightforward faces of these dark-complexioned, Austrico-Scythian- Negroid people of Rarh, to think that, though they are neglected today,
at one time they were perched at the summit of civilization. They were the forefathers of human civilization and the trumpets of Bengali civilization.” (Iishidanta/Iiś idanta, Discourse 8, Shabda Cayaniká Part 2). 


We have come again to Ánanda Nagar after a long time. Ánanda Nagar is the nucleus of this universe. It is not merely the physical Ánanda Nagar; it is also the Ánanda Nagar of our inner heart. We will have to build it in all possible ways, we will have to take all steps for its rapid development so that it can show light to the entire universe.

But why should this be done so rapidly? Because human beings do not live by material objects alone; they also have their práńa dharma (their vital inner essence). Even if they are provided with all their material needs – their food, clothes, and all necessary requirements, they will die an inglorious death if they are detached from their práńa dharma. Ánanda Nagar will provide that ancient eternal vital force. Thus it must be developed in all respects. This brooks no delay: to delay means to impair the cultural progress of the entire human society. We will not allow this to happen. Thus we must build Ánanda Nagar in all ways. 

Ánanda Nagar has a unique glory, and that glory has developed out of the great sacrifice of many noble souls. Let Ánanda nagar provide guidance to the entire universe in spiritual practice, service, sacrifice, renunciation, and culture. This is what we should pray for, and this is the reason that we should build Ánanda Nagar and help it radiate light to the universal humanity. This is what I want

After a long, long time, we have assembled here together again. What can be more joyful than this? When I entered Ánanda Nagar, I was overwhelmed with joy. When I was looking at you, I could hardly restrain myself – I felt so happy, and I think that you, too, felt the same, because we have been able to again come and sit together here. What can be more delightful than this?

Each of the objects in the world has a vehicle, a medium. Let Ánanda Nagar be the medium of our cultural progress; let us try to build Ánanda Nagar and its adjoining villages in all respects – economically, socially and culturally. Any work which is difficult for one person to accomplish is not difficult for many people to perform. A bundle of sticks is a burden if one person carries it, but if it is divided amongst many, it becomes only a light load. Similarly if we all work together unitedly, it will not be difficult to establish Ánanda Nagar as an ideal cultural and spiritual centre. Let us dedicate ourselves to this noble task from this very moment. 


I January 1st 1981
II January 1st 1982
III January 1st 1983
IV Ananda Purnima (May 29) 1983
V January 1st 1984
VI Ananda Purnima (May) 1986
VII January 1st 1987
VIII Ananda Purnima (May 31) 1987
IX January 1st 1988
X Ananda Purnima (May 29) 1988
XI January 1st 1989
XII Ananda Purnima (June 2) 1989
XIII Ananda Purnima (June 3) 1990

1 AMIT (Ananda Marga Institute of Technology) :
a) Technical Training Centre: (photo of New AMIT + future buildings)
b) Engineering College: (in future photo of future AMIT Engineering College – division of Gurukula [Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Computer] 
2   Law College 
3   Fine Arts College 
4   Institute of Psycho-Spiritual Research
5   Institute of Socio-Economic Research
6   Institute for Advanced Research (all other fields =Gurukula Dept of General Research)
7   Sanskrit Vidyapiitha 
8    Bangla Vidyapiit́ha